Lessons: Blog, Fear, Love & Judgement

Most people do research on subjects, topics, or words before they reach a conclusion or give their own expert opinion on things. In my head, I’ve been wondering; do these research experts ever experience symptoms of the very thing they set out to research? If yes, did that personal experience affect the research’s conclusion or did it make the research findings more valid? On this blog, I am trying so hard not to make this another research site because most people who know me know that I love research findings. On this blog, I need to ensure that these writings are authentic experiences drawn from my personal and professional life’s journey. Who needs another “According to so, so and so.” In my mind, if I have not experienced life, words mean nothing on pages. It will be inauthentic to constantly research things I should have experienced by now. Examples are:

Fear: Courage, confidence, and success bypasses fear to get to their destination. There is no courage if you haven’t experienced some kind of fear that you needed the courage to conquer. The opposite is also true. There is no failure, shame, or insecurities without fear. What is fear? Why does fear control everything we do? Fear is a form of anxiety, powerful enough to paralyse you and tries to stop you from your success. Fear is actually a powerful human emotion that is inside of us to enable you resolve the stormy voices and to release courage and confidence that will propel you to your destiny. How? Since fear can operate on both sides of the aisle, it can be good or bad. You want to acknowledge what makes you afraid, ashamed and insecure? Read about them or expose them to someone in a safe and non-judgmental relationship. #comeoutofthefearcloset.

Love: There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). As I studied, I was amazed to discover that fear is connected to love. So, if you love someone or something and you are afraid of that person or thing, it simply means you are punishing yourself. (1 John 4:18 continues, “ for fear has to do with punishment”.) Remember the bible also says, “Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” Let’s concentrate on the “love yourself” part. If you love yourself, you will not want to punish yourself by being afraid, right? So, if I am still afraid of someone or something, does it mean I am not in love? Absolutely, because if you are still worried and second guessing about your relationship(s) or how successful you want them to be or not to be, in anything, then your love is fueled with fear. Years of been afraid without loving properly can last a lifetime. #exposeyourlovefears    

Judgement: This is the most enslaving of them all. I am so afraid of being judged or misunderstood. This happens to me frequently. Today in my quiet time, I discovered that I am addicted to people’s opinions and approvals. Especially when I think that they know what they are talking about (I am working on it). Judgement is different from criticism. You can criticize my work and still love me, but judgement involves condemnation without love or not knowing the truth or requesting for more facts or evidence, people make partial conclusions on the action of others. When God said in his word, “Thou shall not judge”, it means that the only one who can see all sides of the coin can make a better judgement call. That means, only God.  You weren’t there when I cried myself to sleep on the same matter you’re trying to judge me about (I am working on stopping the tears also).  Judgement voices sound like this:

  • Why do you have to expose yourself? (In other words, keep the closet closed?)
  • Why can’t you just pray and ask God to help you privately? (Religious voices who also forget James 5: 16 that says confess your sins to one another) #exposejudgmentalfears
  • Why are you confessing yours to the whole world? That’s what’s preachers, teachers, coaches, educators and motivational people do. ( Religious voices, Luke 9:26)

Do exactly what you are called to do. The only person that hears the voice of your calling is you.


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