Embracing the Unknown


The adage “The devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know” suggests it’s safer to stick with a familiar, albeit potentially harmful, situation or person than to venture into the unknown, even if it seems promising. While this saying may hold some truth in specific contexts, it’s crucial to recognize its limitations […]

Earnings of Frenemies


“Frenemies,” a term coined by blending “friends” and “enemies,” refers to individuals who have a complex and often ambivalent relationship. While the concept of frenemies may seem counterintuitive, it’s important to note that these relationships can offer several unexpected benefits: Growth and Resilience: Interacting with frenemies can foster personal growth and resilience. Dealing with challenging […]

Struggle with Education & Faith Synergy

Education and Faith

Education and faith are powerful forces shaping individuals, communities, and societies. They are not mutually exclusive, and when intertwined, they have the potential to create a harmonious and enriched way of life. Determining whether education or faith is more important in one’s life is a complex and subjective question that depends on individual beliefs, values, […]

Proximity to Prosperity

Proximity to Prosperity

“Proximity to prosperity” encapsulates the idea that being close to opportunities, resources, and favorable conditions can significantly enhance one’s chances of achieving success and well-being. This concept suggests that physical, social, and economic closeness to thriving environments or influential networks can be instrumental in fostering personal and collective growth. Here are some of my expanded […]

“Fake it till you make it” or “Learn it till you get it”

“Fake it till you make it” and “Learn it till you get it” are two famous adages offering valuable personal and professional development advice. They both emphasize the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning in achieving success. Fake it till you make it: This phrase encourages individuals to exude confidence and function as if […]

Communication Impact on Outcomes

People Communicating

Every day, I engage in an internal dialogue, grappling with the ever-changing challenges that life hurls my way. Through this ongoing process, I’ve realized that a blend of prophetic declarations, affirmations, sermons, therapy sessions, advice, and motivational speeches holds the key to unlocking profound communication impacts. I’ve experienced a profound awakening, recognizing that these communications […]

All Closet Self-Reflection


What are some things that have put you in a closet?A list of things found in my many life’s closets includes:A. Marital PretenseB. Abusive scarsC. Financial ups and downsD. Disqualification (for being different)E. DevaluationF. Unexplained failuresG. Shame and guilt (from the actions of others)H. Spiritual compromiseI. Frenemies Will opening up your closets to others bring […]

The Journey Begins

Journey Begins

Embarking on a journey as a blogger can be an enriching and transformative experience. Here’s an exploration of my journey, along with some vital life-learning lessons I might encounter along the way: 1. Finding My Voice: Initially, as a blogger, I might experiment with different writing styles and topics. It’s like trying on different hats […]