Devaluation Closet

Devaluation is the reduction of worth or value. This second DC (Devaluation Closet) emanates from societal norms, values, and expectations. Where do norms, values, and expectations come from? They come from upbringing, beliefs, culture, educational background, work or home environments, and institutional establishments. There is an expected age to graduate from high school, college, marry, have children, start a career or […]

Disqualification Closet

Disqualification can be internal or external. For many years after sharing my ideas or visions with a few people, I’d hear something like this “They said you can’t.” I have always wondered, who are the “they”? Does “they” have a physical address? Can I visit “they” and have a heart to heart conversation of never […]

Financial Closet

When you are financially well off, and something happens in your life that drains your bank to nearly zero, acting like you still have a fully intact bank account is what I call living in a financial closet. Not asking for the appropriate help will physically and mentally affect your way back to the top. […]

Abuse Closet #metoo

The abuse closet is the most secretive closet to open for the world to see. I am trying to be culturally sensitive as I open this closet. In my culture, which is West African, this is a “taboo” subject to discuss. Women who have been abused sometimes say statements like “I will never tell” or […]

Marital Closet

Part 1: In My Dreams As young girl growing up, I dreamed of a fairy-tale wedding, the one that will surpass that of Kate Middleton and Megan Markle put together. Every little girl has the permission to dream these marital dreams and air them out loud to their friends and family. As odd as this […]

Lessons: Blog, Fear, Love & Judgement

Most people do research on subjects, topics, or words before they reach a conclusion or give their own expert opinion on things. In my head, I’ve been wondering; do these research experts ever experience symptoms of the very thing they set out to research? If yes, did that personal experience affect the research’s conclusion or […]

All Closet Self-Reflection


What are some things that have put you in a closet?A list of things found in my many life’s closets includes:A. Marital PretenseB. Abusive scarsC. Financial ups and downsD. Disqualification (for being different)E. DevaluationF. Unexplained failuresG. Shame and guilt (from the actions of others)H. Spiritual compromiseI. Frenemies Will opening up your closets to others bring […]

Life’s Many Closets


Closets are places you store clothes, shoes or other items. Closets can also be full of secrets that happened to us in the past or things that are currently in lingering. As a child, I loved traveling with my parents and siblings. Growing up traveling from country to country was like breathing to me. I […]

The Journey Begins

Journey Begins

Embarking on a journey as a blogger can be an enriching and transformative experience. Here’s an exploration of my journey, along with some vital life-learning lessons I might encounter along the way: 1. Finding My Voice: Initially, as a blogger, I might experiment with different writing styles and topics. It’s like trying on different hats […]