Unexplained Failures (Erasable Mistakes) Closet

People always associate failures with negative and bad experiences. For the purpose of sensitivity to others, in this blog I will call failures “erasable mistakes.” While I refer to failures as erasable mistakes, I also know that there are some mistakes that cannot be erased, but you can crawl, walk, jump or fly over them. […]

Financial Closet

When you are financially well off, and something happens in your life that drains your bank to nearly zero, acting like you still have a fully intact bank account is what I call living in a financial closet. Not asking for the appropriate help will physically and mentally affect your way back to the top. […]

Abuse Closet #metoo

The abuse closet is the most secretive closet to open for the world to see. I am trying to be culturally sensitive as I open this closet. In my culture, which is West African, this is a “taboo” subject to discuss. Women who have been abused sometimes say statements like “I will never tell” or […]