All Closet Self-Reflection

  1. What are some things that have put you in a closet?
    A list of things found in my many life’s closets includes:
    A. Marital Pretense
    B. Abusive scars
    C. Financial ups and downs
    D. Disqualification (for being different)
    E. Devaluation
    F. Unexplained failures
    G. Shame and guilt (from the actions of others)
    H. Spiritual compromise
    I. Frenemies
  2. Will opening up your closets to others bring relief or solutions?
    I sincerely believe that if you open about your problems to the right person, you will find some relief and comfort, but honestly, there probably will not be any solutions. Have you ever noticed that after you open your heart out to people, they offer a few suggestions and move on without you? Solution only comes from you. Again, you alone can gain the solutions to many of your life’s problems, whether they are in the open or in the closet. Some religious friends of mine may disagree with me, and preach a sermon to solely rely on God. Their argument is that God alone can provide your solutions. While that may be somewhat true, the Bible says in James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” and in 2 Timothy 2:15, it says “Do your best to win God’s approval as a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed of his work and who teaches only the true message.” Okay, so what if you’re like me and you hardly read your bible, will you still find solutions to your problems? The answer is yes. If you want little solutions or delayed solutions, you can just wait around until it happens to you. Or, you can study whatever great inspirational books and actively look for your answers. I recommend studying the Bible, because as many inspirational books as there are in the market, I found out quickly that they all mirrored the very book I have been trying so hard to run away from. The belief you have that something is going to change is actually what changes your closet situations. Don’t we all wonder why everyone has the capacity to succeed regardless of their faith in God? One thing multiple successful people have in common is their ability to study their passion with great intensity. My A-Hah! moment is that I am planning to study along with you guys, my way out of the burden of the secrets.
  3. Do you think untold secrets are closets?
    Absolutely. On this site, I will open one closet a week, post reflections, ask authentic questions, and I will like for everyone who visit this blog to share their comments, concerns, thoughts, feedback, life lessons, and solutions. Ultimately, ask an authentic question(s) as we all go and search for answers. I sure will not forget that both praises and criticisms are constructive ingredients that can lead to an unimaginable and amazing destination. (Notice I did not say “constructive criticisms”, because all criticisms have their own lessons that they are trying to teach.)

Response: If anyone wants to know what solutions or conclusions from my first writing related to the “immigration closet” has come to, please comment, ask questions, or testify if you can relate, because I think that is my unique closet.

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